Fabulous Eggs by Fabulous Birds
Since 1928
Crispy, golden artichoke fritters topped with perfectly fried eggs make a quick yet hearty dish that feels so generous and giving.
A treasure trove of over 80 delicious recipes – from simple breakfast ideas to enchanting main courses and indulgent desserts.

Fabulous Eggs by Fabulous Birds
Since 1928
These fabulous aprons are an exquisite way to protect you from any cracked eggs,
spilt milk or clouds of flour.
We offer the widest range of eggs sold in Britain, from Burford Brown to Ostrich.

Fabulous Eggs by Fabulous Birds
Since 1928
Get inspired for breakfast, lunch, dinner or dessert by scrolling through all of our unique range of recipes.
Whether it’s a Burford Brown, Old Cotswold Legbar, ostrich, duck, guinea fowl, goose, pheasant, rhea, turkey, emu or quail, we provide the most esteemed eggs since Fabergé.

Fabulous Eggs by Fabulous Birds
Since 1928
Our hens enjoy a carefully formulated diet of wheat, maize, soya, sunflower, seashell, marigold, paprika and vitamins and minerals, as well as grazing on ample grass on range.
That’s why our yolks are so golden.
Our supremely satisfying, deep bronze Burford Brown eggs have a gorgeous,
glossy, hard shell.

Fabulous Eggs by Fabulous Birds
Since 1928
Cloudlike choux pastry, a dreamy cream centre, with a sprinkle of sea salt to balance the sweet richness of decadent caramel sauce.
For the widest range of premium quality eggs sold in Britain,
Clarence Court wins “hens down”!