Eat your greens
This month, we’re talking green machines! As we head towards the summer, it’s the perfect time to make the most of British produce.
In the midst of the lockdown, garden grow-your-own veg patches and allotments have flourished like never before with novices and professionals alike finding a new love for growing their own produce. If you now have too many courgettes to know what to do with or enough green beans to feed the whole street, here’s some delicious ways to incorporate veggies into your summer-time suppers.
Courgettes are a delicately flavoured vegetable with likeness to squash or cucumber. Roasted, grilled, barbecued or fried, they add immune system-boosting vitamin C to any meal. Nicola Millbank’s Courgette, Feta & Mint Fritters are a quick and easy mid-week meal and a great way to disguise greens for your little ones – arguably the toughest of critics!
Mangetout is crunchy, sweet and refreshing! An excellent source of dietary fibre and generally the easiest green veg to grow at home. They can be eaten raw atop a Summer Pea Salad or stir-fried with other colourful veg for a nutritious and delicious dinner.
Superfood asparagus has numerous health benefits. In particular, containing folic acid which is an essential nutrient during pregnancy. Did you know that just 150g of asparagus provides the recommended daily intake of folic acid? Our Simple Herby Asparagus Omelette or Spring Salad showcases this springtime seasonal ingredient at its best.
Tender stem broccoli is bright and beautiful, but also fabulous for healthy happy skin providing your body with lots of vitamin A and C. Put a spin on your classic boiled egg and soldiers and use tenderstem broccoli spears to soak up the oozing, golden yolk.
Head over to our recipe page for many fabulous ways to eat your greens.